Ten Of Pentacles

The Ten of Pentacles is a card of legacy, family, and established wealth. It symbolizes the realization of long-term security and the culmination of efforts that benefit not just oneself but also one's family or community. This card often represents financial stability passed down through generations or the rewards of a lifetime of hard work. It speaks to the satisfaction that comes from building a durable foundation of wealth and relationships that will endure well into the future.


Wealth, legacy, family, long-term success


Temporary gains, family conflicts, instability

General meaning


The Ten of Pentacles in its upright form represents the achievement of material success and the security that comes with it. This card suggests that you have reached a stage in your life where you are able to enjoy the comforts of wealth, possibly including the successful passing down of this stability to future generations. It speaks to a fulfillment that is deeply rooted in family and community, suggesting that your successes are not just for your own benefit but are shared with others. The Ten of Pentacles encourages you to appreciate the structures and relationships that support your material and emotional prosperity, reminding you of the importance of legacy and communal well-being.


When reversed, the Ten of Pentacles might indicate issues related to family wealth or business. Perhaps the wealth you have accrued is causing conflict within the family, or there are concerns about the stability of your financial future. This card warns against taking your current security for granted and suggests that external appearances of success might mask underlying problems. It calls for careful management of family assets and clear communication about financial plans to ensure continued stability and to prevent conflict.


The imagery on the Ten of Pentacles often includes multiple generations of a family, as well as symbols of wealth such as elaborate tapestries or castle-like homes, emphasizing the themes of legacy and established success. Dogs or other animals might also be present, symbolizing loyalty and the protective nature of the family unit.

Love meaning


In love, the Ten of Pentacles suggests a relationship that is deeply integrated into your life, offering both emotional and financial richness. It indicates a partnership that is likely to be long-lasting and may involve important family bonds or shared financial goals. This card encourages you to cherish and nurture these relationships, as they are integral to your overall happiness and security.


Reversed, this card can indicate strife or dissatisfaction stemming from financial issues or differing family values within a relationship. It may suggest the need for open discussion about finances or family expectations to resolve tensions and ensure that your relationship can continue to grow in a healthy and supportive environment.

Career meaning


The Ten of Pentacles in a career reading denotes reaching a pinnacle of achievement, often through long-term efforts. It may indicate a thriving business that could support you and others for years to come or reaching retirement with ample savings. This card encourages you to think about how you can use your career success to benefit others, possibly through mentorship or by setting up scholarships or foundations.


In its reversed position, this card warns of potential pitfalls in your career that could threaten your long-term security. It might suggest overreliance on past successes or current structures without enough innovation or adaptation to changing markets. The Ten of Pentacles reversed calls for strategic thinking about the future and perhaps a more proactive approach to career development to prevent stagnation.

Health meaning


Regarding health, the Ten of Pentacles indicates stability and the potential for enduring good health, thanks to sound habits and perhaps good genetic inheritance. It suggests that your long-term approach to health is paying off, providing you with a robust foundation for the future. This card encourages maintaining these healthy practices and perhaps considering how your health habits will affect your family or loved ones.


When reversed, this card may suggest neglecting long-term health planning or potential hereditary health issues that have not been addressed. It advises taking preventative measures and perhaps consulting with medical professionals to ensure that you and your family can maintain good health.

meaning For The Queer Community


For queer and trans individuals, the Ten of Pentacles can symbolize the creation of chosen families and communities that provide significant support and legacy. This card encourages nurturing these connections and recognizing their role in providing emotional and financial security. It celebrates the strength and resilience of queer and trans communities in creating lasting bonds that transcend traditional definitions of family.


In the reversed position, this card might highlight challenges in forming or maintaining these supportive networks, perhaps due to external pressures or internal conflicts within the community. It suggests the importance of addressing these issues to ensure that the support systems remain strong and beneficial for all members.


Nine of Pentacles


Page of Pentacles