Eight of Swords

The Eight of Swords depicts a situation of restriction and entrapment, often self-imposed. This card shows a figure blindfolded and bound, surrounded by swords, symbolizing mental and emotional barriers that prevent movement or progress. It suggests that you may feel stuck or powerless, but it also highlights that the constraints you perceive may be of your own making. The Eight of Swords invites you to reexamine your thoughts and beliefs, encouraging you to realize that you have the power to free yourself from limitations by changing your perspective.


Restriction, self-imposed limitation, feeling trapped


Liberation, finding solutions, overcoming fears

General meaning


The Eight of Swords in its upright position suggests that you may be feeling trapped or constrained by your circumstances, unable to see a way out. However, this card often indicates that the restrictions are psychological or self-imposed. It encourages you to examine your thoughts and to challenge the beliefs that are holding you back. Awareness and a shift in perspective can provide the keys to freedom, urging you to take control of your situation and to seek help if needed.


When reversed, the Eight of Swords signifies a breakthrough in overcoming fears and limitations. It suggests that you are finding ways to free yourself from the binds that have restricted you, whether they were external circumstances or internal doubts. This card celebrates your courage to face your fears and to take action to change your situation, highlighting a period of empowerment and self-liberation.


The bound and blindfolded figure, surrounded by swords, effectively captures the sense of being trapped or limited, with the open space in the card’s imagery suggesting that escape is possible if only the figure could see it. The swords themselves can be seen as barriers of the mind, cutting off potential paths with fear or doubt.

Love meaning


In love, the Eight of Swords may indicate that you feel trapped in a relationship or constrained by emotional patterns that limit your happiness. It suggests the need for introspection to understand why you feel stuck and how you might change your perception or behavior to improve your relationship dynamics.


Reversed, this card indicates a movement towards emotional freedom within your relationship. It suggests that you are overcoming the fears or doubts that have held you back, potentially leading to a more open and fulfilling partnership. It encourages continued communication and personal growth to maintain this newfound liberty.

Career meaning


In a career context, the Eight of Swords might suggest feeling trapped in a job or career path that doesn't fulfill you. It warns that your own fears or a lack of self-confidence may be preventing you from pursuing opportunities. This card urges you to challenge your self-imposed limits and to consider ways to break free from unsatisfying work conditions.


When reversed, the Eight of Swords in your professional life indicates that you are finding ways to overcome limitations or barriers at work. It suggests that you are taking active steps to pursue new opportunities or to assert your needs, leading to greater job satisfaction and personal growth.

Health meaning


Regarding health, the Eight of Swords suggests that anxiety or mental stress may be impacting your physical well-being. It encourages you to address the psychological factors that may be contributing to your health issues and to seek support to manage stress effectively.


In its reversed position, this card indicates a recovery phase where you are successfully addressing and managing health issues that were previously overwhelming. It highlights the importance of mental resilience and proactive health management in improving your overall well-being.

meaning For The Queer Community


For queer and trans individuals, the Eight of Swords can reflect feelings of being trapped by societal expectations or personal fears about living authentically. This card challenges you to examine the internal and external barriers that restrict your expression and to consider strategies for overcoming these obstacles.


Reversed, this card suggests a significant shift towards empowerment and self-determination. It indicates that you are finding ways to navigate or dismantle the barriers that have limited your expression, moving towards a more authentic and liberated existence.


Seven of Swords


Nine of Swords