Four of Wands

The Four of Wands represents a time of joy, stability, and celebration. This card often depicts a scene of festivity and welcoming, such as a homecoming or a celebration that acknowledges the fruits of your labor. It symbolizes the completion of a phase of life, stability in your personal affairs, and a reason to celebrate. The Four of Wands encourages you to enjoy the harmony and security you’ve established and to share your happiness with those around you.


Celebration, joy, stability, homecoming


Lack of support, transitional instability, missed opportunities for joy

General meaning


In its upright position, the Four of Wands suggests that you are experiencing a time of joy and satisfaction, particularly in your home or community life. This card indicates that you have reached a milestone that is worth celebrating, such as a wedding, a housewarming, or a professional achievement that contributes to your sense of security. It celebrates the stability and foundation you have built and encourages you to share your achievements and happiness with others.


When reversed, the Four of Wands can indicate that you feel a lack of support or stability in your life. It might suggest that celebrations are postponed or that the joy you were expecting has been delayed or diminished. This card encourages you to look at what is disrupting your stability and to find ways to create a supportive and joyful environment, despite the challenges.


The imagery of the Four of Wands, which often includes figures celebrating with garlands or under a canopy of wands, emphasizes themes of stability, community, and the joys that come from shared successes.Love meaning


The Four of Wands in a love context is a very positive sign, indicating stability and celebrated milestones in a relationship. It might be pointing to an engagement, marriage, or simply a period of harmony and happiness with your partner. This card encourages you to cherish these moments and to recognize the strength of your partnership.


Reversed, the Four of Wands suggests that there may be some instability or lack of celebration in your relationship. It could indicate that important relationship milestones are being overlooked or that external stressors are impacting your connection. This card urges you to address these issues to restore stability and joy.

Career meaning


In your career, the Four of Wands represents a time of celebration, perhaps marking a successful project completion or a promotion. It suggests a harmonious work environment where your efforts are recognized and celebrated. This card encourages you to enjoy this period of stability and achievement, perhaps considering how you can build upon this success.


When reversed, the Four of Wands can indicate that you are not feeling valued or recognized at work. It may suggest that the stability you desire in your career is not fully realized, urging you to seek environments where your contributions can be more appreciated or to communicate more effectively about your achievements and needs.

Health meaning


The Four of Wands suggests a period of good health and stability, where you feel physically secure and supported. It may also indicate a time to celebrate your health, perhaps after recovering from an illness or successfully changing your lifestyle for the better. This card encourages you to maintain the healthy practices that have brought you this stability.


Reversed, this card might suggest that you are not feeling secure in your health, possibly due to inconsistent practices or a lack of community support. It encourages reevaluating your health routines and seeking support to establish more stable and supportive health habits.

meaning For The Queer Community


For queer and trans individuals, the Four of Wands can represent a celebration of identity, such as coming out, embracing one’s identity publicly, or celebrating milestones related to gender affirmation. It symbolizes a supportive community and the joy that comes from living authentically.


In its reversed position, this card might suggest challenges in finding community acceptance or celebrating your queer/trans identity openly. It encourages seeking out or creating spaces where your identity is celebrated and supported, emphasizing the importance of community in fostering personal joy and security.


Three of Wands


Five of Wands