#2: The High Priestess
The High Priestess is the guardian of intuition, mystery, and inner knowing. She invites you to trust what lies beneath the surface, to listen to the quiet wisdom within, and to honor the depths of your soul. In queer spaces, The High Priestess represents the power of self-trust, the sacred nature of lived experience, and the ability to navigate life beyond societal expectations. This card reminds you that the answers you seek are already within—you just have to be still enough to hear them.
Intuition, mystery, inner wisdom, spiritual insight, hidden knowledge, divine feminine energy
Secrets revealed, lack of trust in intuition, repressed emotions, disconnect from self, superficiality
The High Priestess OVERVIEW
The High Priestess stands between worlds, embodying both the seen and unseen, the known and the unknowable. She is the deep ocean of wisdom that exists beyond logic, the quiet voice that whispers truth when all else is noise. This card speaks to those moments when logic fails and instinct takes over—when you feel something in your bones before you can explain it.
For those on a journey of self-discovery, The High Priestess serves as a guide. She reminds us that identity, love, and truth don’t always conform to external definitions. Some answers are meant to be felt rather than explained. If she has appeared in your reading, it’s time to tune in. Trust your instincts. Honor your inner voice. What you know deep down is real.
Symbolism and Imagery
The Two Pillars (B & J) – Marked with “Boaz” (passive, mystery) and “Jachin” (active, knowledge), symbolizing the balance of opposing forces.
The Veil with Pomegranates – Separates the seen from the unseen, representing hidden knowledge and the mysteries of life.
The Crescent Moon – At her feet, symbolizing intuition, cycles, and deep subconscious wisdom.
The Scroll in Her Hand – Partially unrolled, representing divine knowledge that must be revealed at the right time.
The Blue Robes – Indicate deep wisdom, introspection, and spiritual awareness.
The Water Behind Her – A flowing river, symbolizing the subconscious and the ever-changing nature of intuition.
Upright Meaning
When The High Priestess appears upright, she calls you to listen inward. Pay attention to dreams, gut feelings, and subtle signs—these are guiding you toward truth. This is a time to trust your own wisdom rather than seeking external validation. The High Priestess often signals a period of deep self-reflection, spiritual growth, or even a secret coming to light.
In a reading, ask yourself: What is my intuition telling me? Am I listening to my inner wisdom, or am I doubting myself? What knowledge am I being called to uncover?
Reversed Meaning: Doubt, Fear, and Avoidance
Reversed, The High Priestess warns of disconnect—either from yourself or from the truth. You may be ignoring your instincts, allowing fear or self-doubt to cloud your judgment. Alternatively, this card can indicate that something hidden is coming to light. Be mindful of what is being revealed, and trust your ability to handle the truth.
In a reading, ask yourself: Am I suppressing my intuition? Am I seeking answers outside myself when I already know what to do? What truths am I afraid to acknowledge?
Final Thoughts
The High Priestess reminds you that you are your own best guide. The wisdom you seek is already within you—you just need to trust yourself enough to follow it. Honor your intuition, embrace your inner mystery, and know that some truths are meant to be felt rather than explained.

#2: The High Priestess
Queer and Transgender Meaning
The High Priestess is deep, unshakable knowing—the truth that lives inside you before the world is ready to see it. This is the part of transition that happens in the quiet, the intuition that guides you when everything else feels uncertain. This card reminds you that your identity is real, valid, and sacred, even before it is spoken aloud.
Intuition, inner wisdown, self-trust, the unconscious, spiritual depth, hidden knowledge
Doubt, suppressing identity, ignoring intuition, secrecy, fear of being seen
The High Priestess and the Trans Experience
Before you say the words. Before you come out. Before you have any proof that what you feel is real—there is a knowing. The High Priestess is that knowing. It is the quiet certainty that you are not who the world told you to be, the deep internal truth that has been with you for as long as you can remember.
This is the card of self-trust, inner wisdom, and sacred identity. It represents the part of transition that happens in the shadows, before action is taken. Some trans people experience this as a vague feeling—something just a little off, a quiet disconnect. For others, it is as clear as a bell, a truth they have always understood.
The High Priestess asks: Are you listening to yourself? Do you trust the knowing that lives inside you?
Symbolism and Imagery
The High Priestess is filled with symbols of intuition, mystery, and self-discovery.
The veil behind them – A thin boundary between what is known and what is still hidden. This represents the moment in transition where you know something about yourself, but the rest of the world does not yet see it.
The crescent moon at their feet – Emotions, intuition, and the subconscious. Gender, at its core, is often a feeling before it is anything else. The moon reminds us that some truths cannot be explained—they are simply felt.
The Torah (or scroll) in their lap – Knowledge, but partially concealed. You do not need to have all the answers right now. Some things will reveal themselves in time.
The pillars labeled B and J – Boaz (strength) and Jachin (establishment). Together, they symbolize balance—between what is seen and what is hidden, between who you were and who you are becoming.
Their flowing robes and serene expression – This is not a card of urgency or external validation. The High Priestess exists in a state of calm certainty, reminding you that knowing yourself is enough.
Upright Meaning: Trust Your Inner Voice
When The High Priestess appears upright, it is a message to trust what you already know deep inside.
For trans people, this might mean:
Recognizing your identity, even if no one else sees it yet – You do not need permission to be real.
Listening to your intuition about your transition – No one else can tell you what feels right for you. Trust your inner voice.
Letting things unfold in their own time – The High Priestess does not rush. Some things will become clear when you are ready.
Finding peace in your truth, even if you are not out yet – Your identity is not dependent on visibility. It is real simply because you exist.
This card reminds you that your gender does not need to be debated, justified, or proven. It is sacred, and it is yours.
Reversed Meaning: Doubt, Fear, and Avoidance
When The High Priestess appears reversed, you might be ignoring your intuition or pushing down truths that feel too big to face.
For trans people, this can look like:
Denying your own experience – Thinking Maybe I am just making this up or Maybe this is just a phase.
Hiding from yourself – Pushing gender thoughts away instead of exploring them.
Letting external voices drown out your own – If you are looking for someone else to tell you who you are, you may be ignoring the part of you that already knows.
Feeling disconnected from yourself – Not trusting your instincts, feeling numb, or avoiding deep reflection.
The High Priestess reversed asks you to stop running from yourself. The truth is not going anywhere. The sooner you acknowledge it, the sooner you can move forward.
Final Thoughts
The High Priestess is the voice inside you that whispers the truth before you are ready to hear it. It reminds you that gender is felt before it is defined, and your deepest self already knows who you are.
This card says: Trust yourself. You have always known.