Four of Pentacles

The Four of Pentacles centers around themes of security, control, and stability, often to the point of rigidity. This card depicts a person holding tightly to their material possessions, symbolizing a deep need to maintain control over their resources. It reflects a cautious approach to finance and life, driven by the fear of losing what one has accumulated. While it underscores the value of savings and stability, it also cautions against the limitations imposed by being overly guarded or resistant to change.


Security, stability, conservatism, possession


Greed, materialism, insecurity, release

General meaning


In its upright position, the Four of Pentacles suggests that you are in a phase where security and control over your finances or material possessions are paramount. You may be holding onto your resources tightly, possibly due to past insecurities or fears of future instability. While this can be prudent, ensuring that you do not face financial difficulty, the card also hints that being too closed off or miserly may prevent you from experiencing life fully. It encourages a balance between saving and spending, reminding you that true security also comes from being open to new experiences and not just from accumulating wealth.


When reversed, the Four of Pentacles warns that your need for control may be turning into avarice or hindering your personal growth. It suggests that your attachment to material wealth could be coming at the expense of your relationships or other life experiences. This card urges you to examine your priorities and perhaps start loosening your grip on your possessions. It encourages generosity and openness, reminding you that sharing can lead to more fulfilling connections and opportunities.


The card typically features a figure clutching four coins, one under each foot, one in their arms, and one on their head, illustrating a person who is literally and metaphorically weighed down by their need to control their material circumstances. This imagery serves as a powerful reminder of the constraints that come with excessive conservatism.

Love meaning


In a love context, the Four of Pentacles suggests that you might be holding on too tightly to the relationship or to certain aspects of it, possibly out of fear of change or loss. This card advises you to consider whether your need for control is stifling the relationship’s growth. It encourages you to trust more and to allow the relationship to evolve naturally, which can lead to deeper intimacy and security.


Reversed, this card can indicate that possessiveness or material issues are negatively impacting your relationship. It may be a sign that you need to address underlying insecurities or discuss financial issues openly with your partner. Letting go of some control can lead to a healthier, more balanced relationship.

Career meaning


In your career, the Four of Pentacles suggests stability and perhaps a reluctance to leave a secure position for something that feels riskier but might offer more growth. It encourages evaluating whether your caution is actually limiting your professional potential. The card advises finding a balance between financial security and career development.


This position might indicate that your focus on financial gain or job security is overshadowing other important aspects of your career, such as personal satisfaction or creative expression. It suggests reconsidering what you truly value in your work and perhaps taking calculated risks to achieve a more fulfilling professional life.

Health meaning


Regarding health, the Four of Pentacles may suggest that you are maintaining strict control over your habits and routines, possibly to the extent that it becomes limiting or obsessive. While it's good to be conscious of maintaining your health, flexibility can be just as important. The card invites you to consider more holistic approaches to health that include mental and emotional well-being.


In its reversed position, the card warns that your rigid control over your diet, exercise, or other health routines might be causing stress or leading to unhealthy obsessions. It encourages you to relax some of your stricter regimes and to seek a more balanced approach to health care, one that allows for occasional indulgences and greater peace of mind.

meaning For The Queer Community


For queer and trans individuals, the Four of Pentacles can reflect a guarded approach to personal security, particularly in environments that may not be fully accepting. This card recognizes the need for such caution but also suggests exploring ways to open up within safe spaces. It encourages building trust and connections within supportive communities, which can provide both emotional and practical support.


When reversed, this card might indicate that the walls you've built to protect your identity or your heart are also keeping out potential allies and experiences. It suggests that loosening some of your defenses could lead to richer, more fulfilling interactions and a stronger sense of community. It’s about finding the right balance between protecting yourself and allowing yourself to be open and vulnerable in safe contexts.


Three of Pentacles


Five of Pentacles