Three of Pentacles

The Three of Pentacles celebrates the power of collaboration and expertise. It highlights the success that comes from teamwork, where diverse skills and dedicated efforts unite to create something exceptional. Whether it's perfecting a craft, completing a major project at work, or contributing to a community effort, this card is a testament to the achievements possible when we work together, each contributing our unique expertise to a common goal.


Collaboration, skill, teamwork, accomplishment


Lack of teamwork, disregard for skills, poor collaboration

General meaning


When the Three of Pentacles appears, it heralds a period of achievement through teamwork. This card recognizes your skills and contributions as essential to the success of collective efforts. It is often seen in the context of the workplace or in creative projects where your expertise and hard work receive the appreciation and respect they deserve. The Three of Pentacles encourages you to continue putting your best foot forward, as your efforts are not only being recognized but are also crucial to the completion and success of the project. It's a call to engage deeply with your tasks, knowing that this collaborative spirit will lead to great accomplishments and possibly to new opportunities for growth and recognition.


In its reversed position, the Three of Pentacles suggests that there may be a lack of harmony within your team or group. Perhaps your contributions are being overlooked, or the collaborative environment is not as effective as it could be. This could lead to frustration and a feeling that the project or task is not reaching its potential. The card advises you to address these issues, perhaps by opening lines of communication or by asserting the value of everyone’s contributions more clearly. In some cases, it may be necessary to reevaluate your role within the project or to seek environments where your skills can be more effectively utilized and appreciated.


The card typically shows a craftsman at work in a cathedral or other building site, consulting with other figures that appear to be his patrons or peers. This imagery not only reflects the respect and collaboration inherent in successful ventures but also symbolizes the merging of various talents to create something durable and significant.

Love meaning


In the context of a relationship, the Three of Pentacles suggests that you and your partner are working well together, building a relationship that is both supportive and productive. It may indicate a phase where you are planning together for the future, perhaps setting up a home, planning a family, or undertaking other projects that enhance your shared life. This card highlights the importance of each partner's contributions to the relationship, encouraging mutual respect and support as you build a life together.


If reversed, this card can indicate that you and your partner may be struggling to work together effectively. There might be a lack of appreciation for each other's efforts or a sense that you're not truly collaborating on your shared goals. It's a sign to reevaluate how you support and engage with each other, ensuring that both partners feel valued and that your joint efforts are harmonious and effective.

Career meaning


The Three of Pentacles in a career reading indicates that your professional environment is one where teamwork and mutual respect drive success. You may be involved in projects that require cooperative efforts, and your skills are essential and appreciated. This can lead to job satisfaction and significant achievements. The card encourages you to continue working closely with others, as this collaboration is likely to open doors to further professional opportunities and advancements.


When reversed, this card warns of potential problems in your work environment related to teamwork. There may be conflicts, or you might feel that your expertise is not being adequately recognized or utilized. This can lead to dissatisfaction and a lack of progress in your career. The card suggests looking for ways to improve communication and cooperation within your team or perhaps considering whether you are in the right professional setting where your skills can truly shine.

Health meaning


In terms of health, the Three of Pentacles suggests that working with health professionals or being part of a support group could be beneficial. It indicates a positive collaboration with caregivers or health practitioners who understand and support your health goals. This card encourages you to continue engaging with these networks, as they are instrumental in helping you maintain or improve your health.


The reversed Three of Pentacles in a health context might indicate that you are not receiving the support you need. Perhaps there is a disconnect with your healthcare providers, or you feel your health concerns are not being taken seriously. It's important to advocate for yourself and perhaps seek out second opinions or additional support to ensure your health needs are met effectively.

meaning For The Queer Community


For queer and trans individuals, the Three of Pentacles represents the benefits of finding community and working together with those who share similar experiences or goals. It suggests that engaging with community projects or support networks can be incredibly rewarding, offering both personal growth and collective achievement. This card encourages you to seek out and contribute to these collaborative efforts, as they can provide not only support but also a platform for advocating for broader change.


In its reversed position, this card may highlight feelings of isolation or frustration within queer/trans communities. Perhaps you feel that your contributions are undervalued or that the community is not as welcoming or supportive as it could be. It suggests a need to address these issues, possibly by finding new groups or by working to foster better inclusivity and support within existing networks.


Two of Pentacles


Four of Pentacles